Pete's Blog

My Journal of Faith & Life

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Rising to the Call: Leadership Reflections from 1 Timothy

So, I’ve been diving into 1 Timothy lately, and let me tell you, chapters 2 and 3 are packed with wisdom that’s really speaking to my heart. Let’s chat about what’s been stirring in my mind.

Finding Freedom: The Power of Forgiveness

Today I want to have a heart-to-heart about forgiveness, that powerful yet often challenging act that can transform our lives in profound ways. So, let’s cozy up and dive into this important topic together.

Walking in the Spirit of Jesus Christ: A Personal Journey

Walking in the spirit of Jesus Christ is more than just a religious concept; it’s a deeply personal journey that transforms every aspect of life. As a Bible-based Christian, I’ve embarked on this journey myself, seeking to understand and embody the teachings of Jesus in my daily life. In this blog, I’ll share my experiences, insights, and practical tips on what it truly means to walk in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Finding Peace in Prayer: Oh how I love those quiet moments!

As I sit down to reflect on the upcoming week, my heart is drawn to the sacred rhythm of prayer and the profound impact it has on my life and those around me. Prayer is more than just a conversation with God; it’s a lifeline, a source of strength, and a pathway to healing.

Embracing a Fresh Journey: Pete’s Blog Reborn

It’s been a while since I’ve touched on any subject matter here on Pete’s Blog. Life has a funny way of keeping us on our toes. But through it all, one thing remains constant: the ever-present love and guidance of our Heavenly Father. It’s only been a handful of years since my own magnificent miracle occurred, but I thank Him everyday for guiding me to finding the truth.

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